Community Haiku Project

During the Louisville Public Library's closure, the library encouraged patrons to write a haiku about this unusual time. A haiku is a short poem with three phrases, of 5 / 7/ 5 syllables. Read some of our submissions below.

Spring blooms anyway

Birds trill on sprays of wild plum

From my porch I howl.

                                 - Jennifer Strand

There are all kinds of

unknowns in our future so

we focus on now.

                                 - Jessi

Using Door Dash now

Never have used it before

Want friends to come by.

                                 - Anonymous

Yesterday, ordered

Clorox disinfecting wipes.

Woohoo! Will they ship?

                                 - Amy

Napping like crazy

Masks are everywhere why ugh

Way too much screen time.

                                 - Arianna, age 10

You graduate with

No one: the screen is between

You and your degree.

                                 - Jennifer


Wildlife roam freely

We look on from the window

The Earth can breathe deep.

                                 - Lisa C.

We're free in nature

Simple joys with family

Slow down and reset.

                                 - Carrie Sakai


I hate quarantine

I want to go to school today

Though I dislike school.

                                 - Jacob, age 13

What am I?

Effective sometimes

though washing your hands is great

Grab it on the go!

                                 - Norah Burns, age 9

Choir concert cancelled

Streaming school from my basement 

Strange last teaching year

                                 - Doug Haley

Three cups of coffee

“Home Learning” for the children

Three glasses of wine.

                                 - S and J Ross

Cruising on my bike,

face mask cuts the air in half.

Dream:  just one deep breath.

                                 - Heather Gardner, 57

My wife baked her bread

Before all of this started.

I have evidence.

                           -Jon Bellish

Staring out the glass

to a world that can't be touched

but the sun still rises



I wish we could play

We're stuck in our home all day

I will play some day.

                                       -Ryan, age 11

Pizza for breakfast

Lunch, Cheetos and mac n cheese.

Breakfast for dinner.

                                       -Jason, 41

I miss LES.

Quarantine is not the best.

It’s like house arrest.

                               -Aerith (age 8)